Source code for bentley_ottmann.planar

from typing import (Dict,

from bentley_ottmann.hints import (Contour,
from .core import planar as _planar
from .core.linear import (SegmentsRelationship as _SegmentsRelationship,
                          segments_intersections as _segments_intersections)
from .core.utils import (merge_ids as _merge_ids,
                         to_pairs_combinations as _to_pairs_combinations)

[docs]def edges_intersect(contour: Contour, *, accurate: bool = True, validate: bool = True) -> bool: """ Checks if polygonal contour has self-intersection. Based on Shamos-Hoey algorithm. Time complexity: ``O(len(contour) * log len(contour))`` Memory complexity: ``O(len(contour))`` Reference: :param contour: contour to check. :param accurate: flag that tells whether to use slow but more accurate arithmetic for floating point numbers. :param validate: flag that tells whether to check contour for degeneracies and raise an exception in case of occurrence. :raises ValueError: if ``validate`` flag is set and contour is degenerate. :returns: true if contour is self-intersecting, false otherwise. .. note:: Consecutive equal vertices like ``(2., 0.)`` in .. code-block:: python [(0., 0.), (2., 0.), (2., 0.), (2., 2.)] will be considered as self-intersection, if you don't want them to be treated as such -- filter out before passing as argument. >>> edges_intersect([(0., 0.), (2., 0.), (2., 2.)]) False >>> edges_intersect([(0., 0.), (2., 0.), (1., 0.)]) True """ if validate and len(contour) < 3: raise ValueError('Contour {contour} is degenerate.' .format(contour=contour)) if not _all_unique(contour): return True edges = [(contour[index - 1], contour[index]) for index in range(len(contour))] def non_neighbours_intersect(edges_ids: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]], last_edge_index: int = len(edges) - 1 ) -> bool: return any(next_segment_id - segment_id > 1 and (segment_id != 0 or next_segment_id != last_edge_index) for segment_id, next_segment_id in edges_ids) return any((first_event.relationship is _SegmentsRelationship.OVERLAP or second_event.relationship is _SegmentsRelationship.OVERLAP or non_neighbours_intersect(_to_pairs_combinations(_merge_ids( first_event.segments_ids, second_event.segments_ids)))) for first_event, second_event in _planar.sweep(edges, accurate, False))
def _all_unique(values: Iterable[Hashable]) -> bool: seen = set() seen_add = seen.add for value in values: if value in seen: return False else: seen_add(value) return True
[docs]def segments_intersect(segments: Sequence[Segment], *, accurate: bool = True, validate: bool = True) -> bool: """ Checks if segments have at least one intersection. Based on Shamos-Hoey algorithm. Time complexity: ``O(len(segments) * log len(segments))`` Memory complexity: ``O(len(segments))`` Reference: :param segments: sequence of segments. :param accurate: flag that tells whether to use slow but more accurate arithmetic for floating point numbers. :param validate: flag that tells whether to check segments for degeneracies and raise an exception in case of occurrence. :raises ValueError: if ``validate`` flag is set and degenerate segment found. :returns: true if segments intersection found, false otherwise. >>> segments_intersect([]) False >>> segments_intersect([((0., 0.), (2., 2.))]) False >>> segments_intersect([((0., 0.), (2., 0.)), ((0., 2.), (2., 2.))]) False >>> segments_intersect([((0., 0.), (2., 2.)), ((0., 0.), (2., 2.))]) True >>> segments_intersect([((0., 0.), (2., 2.)), ((2., 0.), (0., 2.))]) True """ return any(_planar.sweep(segments, accurate, validate))
[docs]def segments_cross_or_overlap(segments: Sequence[Segment], *, accurate: bool = True, validate: bool = True) -> bool: """ Checks if at least one pair of segments crosses or overlaps. Based on Shamos-Hoey algorithm. Time complexity: ``O((len(segments) + len(intersections)) * log len(segments))`` Memory complexity: ``O(len(segments))`` Reference: :param segments: sequence of segments. :param accurate: flag that tells whether to use slow but more accurate arithmetic for floating point numbers. :param validate: flag that tells whether to check segments for degeneracies and raise an exception in case of occurrence. :raises ValueError: if ``validate`` flag is set and degenerate segment found. :returns: true if segments overlap or cross found, false otherwise. >>> segments_cross_or_overlap([]) False >>> segments_cross_or_overlap([((0., 0.), (2., 2.))]) False >>> segments_cross_or_overlap([((0., 0.), (2., 0.)), ((0., 2.), (2., 2.))]) False >>> segments_cross_or_overlap([((0., 0.), (2., 2.)), ((0., 0.), (2., 2.))]) True >>> segments_cross_or_overlap([((0., 0.), (2., 2.)), ((2., 0.), (0., 2.))]) True """ relationships = _SegmentsRelationship.CROSS, _SegmentsRelationship.OVERLAP return any(first_event.relationship in relationships or second_event.relationship in relationships for first_event, second_event in _planar.sweep(segments, accurate, validate))
[docs]def segments_intersections(segments: Sequence[Segment], *, accurate: bool = True, validate: bool = True ) -> Dict[Point, Set[Tuple[int, int]]]: """ Returns mapping between intersection points and corresponding segments indices. Based on Bentley-Ottmann algorithm. Time complexity: ``O((len(segments) + len(intersections)) * log len(segments))`` Memory complexity: ``O(len(segments) + len(intersections))`` Reference: >>> segments_intersections([]) {} >>> segments_intersections([((0., 0.), (2., 2.))]) {} >>> segments_intersections([((0., 0.), (2., 0.)), ((0., 2.), (2., 2.))]) {} >>> segments_intersections([((0., 0.), (2., 2.)), ((0., 0.), (2., 2.))]) {(0.0, 0.0): {(0, 1)}, (2.0, 2.0): {(0, 1)}} >>> segments_intersections([((0., 0.), (2., 2.)), ((2., 0.), (0., 2.))]) {(1.0, 1.0): {(0, 1)}} :param segments: sequence of segments. :param accurate: flag that tells whether to use slow but more accurate arithmetic for floating point numbers. :param validate: flag that tells whether to check segments for degeneracies and raise an exception in case of occurrence. :raises ValueError: if ``validate`` flag is set and degenerate segment found. :returns: mapping between intersection points and corresponding segments indices. """ result = {} for first_event, second_event in _planar.sweep(segments, accurate, validate): for segment_id, next_segment_id in _to_pairs_combinations(_merge_ids( first_event.segments_ids, second_event.segments_ids)): for point in _segments_intersections(segments[segment_id], segments[next_segment_id]): result.setdefault(point, set()).add((segment_id, next_segment_id)) return result